Seeing the seasons change around you is something that I haven't experienced for a long time...
Mist creates such a mystery for me ... things seem to always become more peaceful and quiet, slowing time...
Whenever we get to take walks along the coastline, it makes me think of being at the edge of the universe. Standing on the cliffs and looking out into an endless body of water...
I love when we have national holidays ... the idea of how everyone gets to have a play day and do anything they want ... what a treat!
One thing that I always feel when I am able to getaway or take a short trip, is that the days are so much richer and fuller...
When I was growing up, I always wanted to be a sporty kind of person. I joined a handful of ...
Recently I've been trying to take more pictures of different subjects and styles that inspire me....
There were heat waves in San Francisco this past week. I'll be wishing we get more of them during this summertime season...
The summer season is always thought of as the time to travel...