Along the Coast

One of the dreams we have is to someday live in the forest.  When we get a chance every now and then ... Rob and I enjoy taking a drive and exploring the coast.  Trying to relax in the forest going for short walks and taking a deep breath to enjoy the coastal air.  The weather changes often and it's so nice to see how it transforms ... ;)  

Looking at the nature all around is so serene and sheltering ... giving you a very comforting feeling.  I feel like I'm getting a little green thumb ... hoping to learn more about the different beautiful flowers and greenery around me ... hehe.  I find it a bit fascinating the different forms and shapes the trees become ... so unique from one another.  Sometimes you get lucky meeting some cute little animal friends that pass by ... I think Cows are becoming one of my favorites.  

Here's a few inspiration photos for you ... hope you enjoy ... ;) 

by elsa kawai
by elsa kawai
by elsa kawai
by elsa kawai
by elsa kawai
by elsa kawai
by elsa kawai
by elsa kawai
by elsa kawai
by elsa kawai
by elsa kawai
by elsa kawai
by elsa kawai
by elsa kawai
by elsa kawai
by elsa kawai

All photos taken with two lenses, Nikon D300s18-200mm 

Till then...


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